So Sheri, what exactly is the How to Forgive e-Course?
The How to Forgive e-Course is an 9 week online training program that shows you step-by-step, how to forgive in a healthy, easy to understand manner so that you can be free and happy – and best of all find your inner peace. My goal is to make your learning experience as easy and enjoyable as possible. You’ll receive a video lesson every couple of days over a period of 9 weeks, an assignment to put that lesson into practice, and an affirmation to hold the lesson in your consciousness (each lesson takes around 10-15 minutes to listen to).
READY TO JOIN? Sign up below!
When does the course start? I don’t have time to be present every week – is that an issue?
The first module of content will be released on Monday, August 13th. You’re busy – I understand totally. That’s why if you’re traveling or have something going on in your life, you don’t have to worry about missing out because you get LIFETIME ACCESS. That means you can’t ever “fall behind.” You’ll learn at your own convenience and the training materials will be there for you for as long as you need them!
What if I miss one of the mastermind calls?
Our Mastermind calls alternate between Tuesdays and Saturdays each week. Those calls are designed so that all YOUR questions are answered. However – you don’t need to make the weekly Mastermind calls – so don’t worry about that.
Simply email me your questions and I’ll answer them on the call (which will be recorded). Then you can listen when you’re able. I want you to also realize that you can also post questions under every lesson online (the program is password protected). **I’ll be in the program every day at your service answering your posted questions and no one except those signed up for the course will be able to see your posts.
How much time do I need to do this?
Obviously, the more you put into the course, the more you’ll get out of it. We’ve timed our program and found that on average, you’ll need about 2 hours a week to go through the core course materials. Remember, you’re also getting access to bonus training, live “Mastermind Calls” and an incredible community – which you can participate in, or not. So if you plan to take full advantage of everything we offer, we recommend between 3-5 hours per week.
Will it work for me? I’ve joined other programs and they didn’t do anything. How is this different?
Look – no program works unless YOU work. If you’re expecting this course, or any other course, to magically solve your problems or heal your heart, please do not sign-up. I CARE that you implement my material because I am passionate about forgiveness and the impact it has on people’s lives. It changed MY life! I put a tremendous amount of time and energy into this program. You need to match that energy. Success in this program requires that you take consistent, focused action.
Sheri, what’s the general outline of what we’re going to learn?
Basically the program consists of four modules:
In Module One you’ll get an overview of the principles of forgiveness (…so we are all on the same page so to speak)
- In Module Two you’ll learn how to forgive yourself (…everyone has something to forgive themselves for!)
- In Module Three you’ll learn how to forgive your body (…most of us do not love ourselves or our bodies)
- In Module Four you’ll learn how to forgive your relationships (…we all have someone to forgive that we are close to, or not so close to)
- Bonuses – both the Core and Deep Dive have bonuses! (Deep Dive has extra bonuses.) I’ve included material that will make you consider, ponder and challenge you point of view.
READY TO JOIN? Sign up below!
Will I get access to the entire program all at once?
No, the curriculum is carefully designed so that you complete each lesson. And there are 3 lessons each week. This is a proven program and it’s vital you follow the system. If you’re the type of person who wants to “jump ahead,” and get to the “good stuff” because you “know this already,” take a deep breath and take your time, you’ll get so much more from the program and be challenged at the same time. Once you complete the full program, you get LIFETIME ACCESS and can re-visit the modules in any order you like.
Will there be group work?
As I’ve mentioned – we have a Facebook community. If you choose to connect with other
course members to form study groups (live or virtual), as many folks do, that’s your choice.
If you prefer to work on your own, that’s great too. We know that everyone has a different learning style and it’s fully up to YOU to form connections with others, if that’s what you’d like.
I don’t like Facebook. Does that mean I shouldn’t join?
While I encourage community and group sharing – I know lots of you don’t like Facebook. Please note that you can interact with the group WITHIN the membership program too. But I want to make this clear – you DO NOT have to join Facebook to participate in this program!
What if I’m not ready now? Will you be offering the course again in a few months?
If you want to do this program, do it now. Think about this – there’s never a time in life when you’re ever truly “ready” to do anything. You’ll always be busy and always doubt your “readiness.” I’m not sure when the next offering will be so if you want to join me, sign up now.
Do you offer a payment plan for the course?
YES! You can either pay in full which is:
$395.00 $295.00 for the Core program…
or $795.00 $695.00 for the Deep Dive program. (Deep Dive includes two private one-on-one hour sessions with me, and lots of extra goodies – see the list below.)
OR – if you prefer to take advantage of our payment plan – it would be three payments of:
$135.00 $102.00 for the Core program…
or three payments of $275.00 $242.00 for the Deep Dive program.
If you choose the payment plan, your payment will be automatically charged every
30 days. (Please note that if you are opting for the Deep Dive program you will be able to access your one-on-one sessions and gifts after the first 30 days.)
Sign up for the payment plan or pay-in-full below!
I don’t live in the USA – is that a problem?
You absolutely, positively DO NOT need to live in the USA! This is an online program so you can participate any time of day in your jammies or not.
Outstanding Customer Service
Need help accessing the members area? Want a hand updating your payment information? No worries. Help is never more than an e-mail away.
Email Andi at: and she’ll be happy to assist you.
Work the program for 30 days, 100% Risk Free
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do the work and don’t get value, then I don’t deserve your money and I’ll cheerfully refund you. Do take a chance and join me. You have 30 days to decide if the program is for you to receive a full refund – so you have NOTHING to lose but your pain and suffering. But please don’t simply watch the program, do nothing and then ask for your money back – that just breaks my heart. 🙁
Our 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
If you do feel this program has any value for you – we’ll refund your money in full.- our 9 week online forgiveness program featuring 23 professional created teaching videos.
- 9 group support calls to get your questions answered, discuss specific forgiveness issues that are plaguing you, and to deepen the meaning of each lesson.
- recordings of all 9 group calls – you can always listen in and learn from any call you missed because you can email your question to me ahead of time if you know you won’t be able to be on the line that day!
- PDF transcripts of each lesson to download so you can follow along with the videos or read again later.
- worksheets you can print out from each lesson.
- private Facebook community group to meet friends, have fun, share tears, and get support. ♥
- bonus goodies to help support your personal process.
- you get everything in the core program plus…..
- 4 additional special forgiveness video interviews with forgiveness experts to expand your perspective.
- a powerful inner child guided mediation audio that you can use to heal the hurts you sustained growing up.
- a Hay House “I Can Do It” Forgiveness Card Deck – beautiful cards you can keep with you throughout your day to remind you of your self-worth and desire for forgiveness.
- a signed copy of Sheri’s book – Banish Mind Spam! Four Steps For Deprogramming Self-Limiting and Self-Sabotaging Beliefs.
- *2 one-hour private sessions* with Sheri to help you move though any challenging forgiveness blocks – perfect for any situation you don’t want to discuss in the group calls or for problems you feel you need a little extra help with! These two sessions alone are worth upgrading to the deep dive program for.
If you prefer to take advantage of our payment plan – it would be three payments of $135.00 $102.00 for the Core program or three payments of $275.00 $242.00 for the Deep Dive program. If you choose the payment plan, your payment will be automatically charged every 30 days. (Please note that if you are opting for the Deep Dive program you will be able to access your one-on-one sessions and gifts after the first 30 days.)
Make your first payment below and get started!
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