Module 2: Forgive Yourself
I would never waste my time judging that idiot!

Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods.


Practicing the lesson – post your answers below!

  • Anytime you notice you are judging yourself or others:

    1. Do your best to stop immediately.

    2. Pay attention to how your physical body feels and whether you can perceive the poisonous arrows of criticism moving through your body.

    3. Acknowledge yourself for noticing, and say the following: “I recognize the voice of judgment within me and I no longer choose to victimize anyone.

  • Initiate a conversation with your friends about the poisonous impact of judgment, both on the person you are judging as well as the judge. Enlist the help of your friends to remind you when they hear you judging. In fact, how about using the community in this group to help you see when you are judging?!

  • When you notice that you are defending your point of view because you feel you are “right,” experiment by taking another point of view as a way to expand your consciousness. Remember a point of view is simply a made-up idea.

Today’s Affirmation

Today I open myself to the breathtaking potential of forgiveness.
I see myself free from the burdens of resentment, the weight of guilt, and any and all barriers to healthy relationships.
I recognize the Divine calling to forgive myself and others, and to let go of the past, and by doing so, I actively step into the realm of unlimited possibilities paved by the path of continuous forgiveness.

Excerpt from The Power of Our Way, A Path to A Collective Consciousness by Anita Pathik Law.

post in our Facebook community group!


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